11. Help & Communications
11.1. Fax & Email Terminal
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11.1. Fax & Email Terminal

Fax & Email Terminal

Image Help&CommInput.JPG

Enter the first few characters of the proposal and any matches in your database will be presented in a selection list, click on the appropriate proposal to select it and the Communications window will open.

Email Message Type

Image Help&CommInputEmail.JPG

You can send your documents either by email or fax from this window. Select the message type from the drop down selection window.

Select the documents you wish to send by clicking in the check box to the left of the document name. You can select multiple documents if you wish. Any documents that are checked will be included as attachments to the email or fax.

The email option appears above. Enter the email address of the intended recipient. The [search] link allows you to enter the first few characters of the recipient's name and any matches found in your database will be presented and available for selection. The recipients must have an email address in the Contacts database to be available for email.

Enter the Subject text in the Subject input box and you may also include text regarding the attachments in the Message Body section.

If any files had been uploaded into the File Vault for this proposal, those document names will appear in the "'Attachments From File Vault' selection box. Any of the File Vault files can also be included as attachments to the email or fax as well.

After preparing your message, click on the Send button and the message will be placed in the Communications Queue. This is a database storage area that holds email and fax messages waiting to be processed. Approximately every 10 minutes, the Communications Queue is processed and any messages in the queue will be processed and sent. If a rejection or failure message is returned by the receiving email server or fax machine, DealerChoice will send an internal message to the user the submitted the message notifying them of the failure.

Fax Message Type

Image Help&CommInputFax.JPG

The Fax option allows to you select the documents that are to be faxed by placing clicking in the check box to the left of the document name.

Enter the name of the recipient in the To input field, or click on the [search] link and enter the first few characters of the recipients name. Any matches in your database will be presented an available for selection. The recipients must have a fax number entered in the Contacts database to be available for faxing.

If any files had been uploaded into the File Vault for this proposal, those document names will appear in the "'Attachments From File Vault' selection box. Any of the File Vault files can also be included as attachments to the email or fax as well.

After preparing your message, click on the Send button and the message will be placed in the Communications Queue. This is a database storage area that holds email and fax messages waiting to be processed. Approximately every 10 minutes, the Communications Queue is processed and any messages in the queue will be processed and sent. If a rejection or failure message is returned by the receiving email server or fax machine, DealerChoice will send an internal message to the user the submitted the message notifying them of the failure.

Message Log tab

The Message Log stores information regarding each message that has been emailed or faxed for the proposal being worked on. To see messages that have been sent and their status, click on the Message Log tab. Any previously sent messages and any pending messages will be displayed as shown below.

Image Help&CommInputMSGLog.JPG

Message Log Status

While the message status is still in the 'Pending' state, which means that it is waiting to be processed for sending, the 'Remove from queue' icon appears. This icon, if clicked will allow you to remove the pending message from the message queue and it will not be sent. Once the message queue has started processing the message, you cannot remove it from the queue. Check the message queue after you have sent your message to see the updated status progress. If an emailed or faxed message fails to be sent and if the receiving email server or fax machine sends a failure notice, the message log will reflect the failure message. If the message fails to be received, you should verify the email address/fax number of the recipient and then try to send your message again.

The status field can be one of the following:

11.1. Fax & Email Terminal
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